Showing posts with label Conferences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conferences. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2007

TNNA Report #2: Illusion Crochet Class

I took one class at the TNNA show: Illusion Crochet taught by Darla Fanton (a first-rate crochet teacher by the way! It's no wonder her illusion crochet class is already sold out at the upcoming CGOA conference).
This technique has exciting possibilities and I enjoyed its unique rhythm. It's a new way to experience crochet. The second photo shows what the back looks like.

Sometime during the 3-hour TNNA class Darla mentioned that people won't finish the project during class, and I privately turned that into a challenge. Turns out that my designing cohorts, Marty Miller and Drew Emborsky, did too. Maybe we get conditioned to crochet for deadlines? The good news is that I did indeed finish with time to spare; the bad news is, I came in THIRD! I'm pretty sure Drew came in FIRST.

If I were a better blogger I'd have a photo here contrasting the 3 potholders done by Drew, Marty, and me, all with size H/5mm hooks: all three potholders were different sizes! It's the infamous "Crocheter's Hand" effect. (None of us were aiming for a stated gauge so it means our native gauges were all different.) Not only that but earlier, I had to rip out the first 4 rows and start over because the class started at 8 a.m. and when do I ever crochet at 8 a.m.? My starting gauge was changing as I warmed up. I wonder if my 8 a.m. gauge would have matched Marty's....

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

TNNA Report #1: Crocheters Unite!

I just returned from The National NeedleArts Association's summer trade show in Columbus OH and I have lots of things to share so this blog entry is one of a series. Yes folks, there's a revolution going on, a groundswell. Spidey senses were tingling! Plans were hatched! A fist pounded a table!
Not only did a CROCHET SUMMIT happen but a galvanizing '60's-style CROCHET-IN electrified the show lounge in the dead center of the room. It's obvious now: there's no keeping crochet down anymore. It's NOT just some supporting player for knits when you need a bag, a belt, an edging. It's NOT just some funky style departure from knitting. (It's all this and waaaay more.) It's NOT okay to leave out the word 'crochet' as if 'knit' is a satisfactory umbrella term and crochet is merely a subcategory. Enough is enough. It's a new day and there's no going back. I can't believe I didn't have my camera but VIDEO FOOTAGE EXISTS. I'll keep you posted on that.
I needed yarn and fast! So I managed to find some nearby yarn company friends and offered to CRIP (Crochet In Public) with their yarn at the Crochet-in. Kathleen Greco of Jelly Yarns graciously donated some striking neon-lime Jelly Yarn, and the folks at Universal Yarn blessed the cause with a ball of their new Tango. Some knitted-up Tango is meeting with raves but crocheting with it seems to be pretty uncharted territory. The exciting design possibilities of this yarn guarantee that I have lots of experimenting to do now that I'm home.
In the case of Jelly Yarn I've got plenty of preliminary swatching under my belt so all I needed to do was decide what to make that would be a souvenir of the event. I knew I'd always treasure a jellyjavajacket. As if I need another one. And if a collection is complete without one.

I'll try to update this entry with links to other blog entries on this topic:
Dee's blog entry.... WEBS blog entry .... from Noreen's blog .... Crochet me armband project .... The July 3, 2007 issue of Carol Alexander's Talking Crochet newsletter (online, free subscription).