Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Undaria Flutter Scarf, New Short Row Design

Check it out: I've just done a whole new kind of blog post, right at my DesigningVashti.com website, and it was easy! It's about my newest crochet pattern coming out very soon, the Undaria Slip Stitch Flutter Scarf. 

You can see a gallery of TEN ways of wearing it over there. 

I'll have more links created after Thanksgiving. For now, here's its Ravelry project page, and its online photo set.

Edited on Dec. 3, 2011 to add: 

Being able to blog right from my website is making me irrationally happy and kind of wonderstruck. I've had that website for a little over a year, and it's been slow-going for me to remember how to update it. (I'd rather be designing...) Meanwhile, I know how to blog and enjoy it, and how to create colorful newsletters. 

Wow. A Wordpress-driven website is going to be FUN! 


  1. This is beautiful. So soft and layered-looking and fluid.

    I'm a Google fan myself, so I'm interested to hear how Wordpress is working out for you.

  2. Hi Vasti,
    I am a polymer clay, beading artist & instructor and I also live in Fl. I recently got back into crocheting to challenge myself into something new! I have made some "shawl pins" or "scarf pins" out of my polymer clay canes. I would like your feedback if you could take the time to look at my posts on my blog. These are completely handmade, no painting is involved in the process I use. The pins are very sturdy and I think add just a cute touch to crocheted items.


    Thanks for input!
    Sherry McKinney
    Firefly Studio

  3. Used to have Blogger but daughter designed our Wordpress and I love it!

  4. I really love this. I'm just starting to explore slip stitch so I'll be all over your blog pages in the coming days/weeks.


  5. Thanks for your comments on Undaria and my latest blogging adventure.


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